Good Hygiene is Important to Seniors
The term "hygiene" is derived from Hygieia, the Greek goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation. Hygiene is all about the care and cleanliness of yourself and your environment. Hygiene is important to wellness.
Why is Hygiene Important to Wellness?
Poor hygiene may be a symptom that something else is wrong. It is often a symptom of depression or mental illness. Elder people who have lost a loved one frequently ignore the duties of personal hygiene but it is these simple rituals of self care that can lift the spirits.
An article in Discover magazine lists 20 things you might not know about hygiene. >>More
The Web Health Center describes poor health conditions that can be controlled with good hygiene. >>More
Hygiene Tips
The key to good hygiene is looking and smelling clean. This includes:
- Skin, with particular attention to hands and feet, especially nails.
- Teeth, including gums and tongue
- Hair, both washing and combing regularly
- Clothing, clean every day
- Sheets and towels, clean ones at least once a week
Additional good hygiene tips and details including a daily regimen are available >>More
Good Hygiene Promotes Relationships
Everyone wants to be seen with someone who looks and smells nice. A well-groomed person is more attractive to others and will find it easier to make and maintain friendships of all kinds.