Daily Hygiene Activities for Seniors
Morning Hygiene Routine
In shower or bath, wash body and hair, clean ears, navel, feet, underarms and private parts
Clean nails
Brush teeth and gums. Floss teeth.
Men shave with care
Dress in clean underwear and clothing
Good Hygiene Through The Day
Wash hands before and after eating or preparing food
Wash hands after using the toilet
Comb hair occasionally
Evening Hygiene
Wash hands and face
Brush teeth and gums.
Floss teeth.
Weekly Hygiene Activities
Change bed sheets Clip nose and/or ear hairs
Change towels used for bathing
Trim finger and toe nails
Other Hygiene Activities
Hold a tissue over mouth when coughing or sneezing
Suppress habits such as nose picking or scratching body parts.
Do not lick fingers before picking up paper or turning pages in a book.