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Pleasing Teenagers?


Some Teens Don't Respond To Gifts

ElderThinker | ElderThink | 10.28.10


Sometimes, teens don't seem very responsive when they see our gifts. We aren't sure we are appreciated.


Actually, the teen response (or non-response) has nothing at all to do with us. A teen isn't sure he's supposed to like our gift until he learns what his friends think about it. If he's politely enthusiastic, you can bet that he still isn't sure about the gift and will be texting his buddies as soon as possible to find out what they think. Don't worry, he'll grow out of it.


Frankly, I gave wonderful and thoughtful gifts to my grandchildren until they became teens. During their teenage years, I gave them simple things for a few years and contributed the extra money to a charity in their names.


The only exception was travel. I found that they truly enjoyed exploring interesting places and people with me. Sometimes we explored the next town and sometimes we flew to another country. It was always an adventure to discover through their eyes.


Teenage Boy Gift Ideas

Boys Want To Be Buff. As teens, they are interested in competing but also in achieving their personal best. Gifts that involve excercising or athletics are good ideas.


Comic Books are the same but different. We recommend theserenity comic bookSerenity Series about space adventurers. Exciting stories to enjoy alone or share.


Video Games are part of the kid culture these days. You

might want to learn to play yourself. They're fun. You will need to learn what kind of game system he has first. There are different manufacturers. Motion Gaming is popular right now using Wii systems.


Gift Cards can be purchased at the supermarket for a variety of places where your young man could choose his own gift. Not a bad idea!


Gifts for Teenage Girls

Teen girls are often much more interested in their teen friends than they are in their grandmothers. (They love us nonetheless.) You can be sure she will text everyone about your gift right away.


Help start a collection. If you will show her how to collect something old and interesting, she will drag her friends to antique fairs and flea markets. They will all have fun and her collection will grow. You are not only giving an item but also the values that go with making careful choices and spending money wisely.


Young girls like athletics just like boys do. A new skateboard or snowboard or camping equipment could be just the rightthing.


Take her shopping. If you don't live nearby, you can go shopping together online using the speakers on your cellphones or using Skype. Believe me, she'll be happy to show you how.


When giving gifts to teens, keep the relationship in sight. It's the most important part.


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